May 2024 - Stuart’s 40th &

Our wwoofer Stephanie from Boston was here for two weeks and helped with various tasks like weeding, potting up plants, clearing land  and wood splitting.  We acquired a second hand sit on lawn mower which made grass cutting so much easier.

Stuart celebrated his big birthday (40) over 4 days with an average of 30 people each day.  An evening meal was offered each night in our camp kitchen.  A big bonfire was made the first night with musical accompaniment from people there.  A fancy dress party took place in the dome on Friday with some amazing costumes on display particularly Stuart’s headpiece made by his friend, Clare.  Saturday was a chill out day with games and ended with a huge banquet/barbeque and cake enjoyed by all.  

A family friend, Leslie, from the States visited for a few days before she and Julia left to enjoy some time in London and Malta.


June 2024: New Volunteers and a Busy Garden


April 2024: Dome Construction & Wwoofers