June 2024: New Volunteers and a Busy Garden

We hosted two French wwoofers this month, Lena and Alienor who both got on well and were very friendly and helpful with various tasks.  They also assisted Stuart at the Community Garden in Carmarthen where Stuart was managing the building of a new shed. They were joined this month by a Canadian wwoofer, Sara who had been on a cycling tour in different countries and cycled to us.

It was a good month for planting so Fennel, Apple Mint, Welsh Mint, English Mint, Lemon Balm, Thyme, Rosemary and Chives are now in place.  Our two potato beds were also mulched with extra compost. Our first strawberries were harvested and provided us with a good crop as well as redcurrants.

The vegetable cages we placed around the brassicas have made an improvement in plant survival although slugs are still a big problem.

We collected the bees we had ordered and moved them into their new home which we allocated an area for in the polytunnel field.

Stuart said farewell to his precious 16 year old car…….


JULY 2024 – Multiple Wwoofers and Lots Done


May 2024 - Stuart’s 40th &