August 2023: Wwoofers stay, new table and new room

Four woofers came to stay and help us this month. Lydia and Doreen from Germany and Paul and Orla from the UK plus Ben their rescue dog. A huge amount of work was accomplished in the vegetable mandala, fruit cage, polytunnel and general help with weeding, planting, moving compost and collecting logs. We had another 10 ton of compost delivered as we seem to go through it quite quickly. Another wet month with a couple of camping trips totally washed out and subsequently cancelled.

An outside toilet and shower room was gutted, repaired and insulated and turned into a laundry room which is connected to the house so much more convenient, thanks to Stuart. Two doors in the house were also stripped.

James made a new super large dining table out of parquet flooring for our garden room suitable to seat 12 people.

We are having a bumper crop of tomatoes and particularly like the small yellow variety. Also grew our first cucumber successfully and hope to save the seeds for next year


September 2023: Apple Picking and Tree Planting


July 2023: Rain, Rain and more rain