May 2020: Self isolation continues

Beautiful warm sunny weather all month with only a day or two of rain so our self watering of outside plants continues. The vegetable and herb plants inside the polytunnel and outside in the mandala are growing really well so we are in for a bumper crop hopefully. The pig shed was emptied and thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before some things were put back to store. Now it is an orderly place and a more pleasant walk through so well done Stuart. Lots of strimming continues with the natural pool area and the path to the dip pool cleared. We are gradually getting a good store of wood thanks to Peter's efforts sawing up logs which will be very useful once dried out. Our 3 year old Kiwi plant turned out to be male so we now need a female plant to bear fruit!


June 2020: Relaxation of Lock Down


April 2020: Lockdown continues